Mary Garvens MS, LPC

Mary Garvens can be contacted directly at: (414) 291-9487 ext 501

Negative emotions, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and trauma can all have a profound impact on our ability to feel well and engage fully with the world around us. Despite these troubles, we all have an incredible capacity for healing. I believe that healing is not a one-size-fits-all experience, so I work with each person individually to create a plan that works to best meet their unique needs. I enjoy helping adults to build effective coping strategies, develop healthy boundaries, and maintain consistent self-care in order to reduce and manage their distress while integrating techniques from DBT and poly-vagal theory. If this sounds like a comfortable fit for you, I invite you to reach out to me via email at (414) 291-9487 ext. 501.


Emma Nelson MS, LPC